Sunday 22 December 2013

Ambition & Appreciation: Striking a Balance

Firstly, I decided to do a post on this instead of arrogant people as I stated on my previous post. This is in light of the holiday season coming up.

"We wanted a better life, but in the end we were a lot worse off than most other people. You know, I think it is important to keep a balance in things. Yeah, balance. That's the right word. Because the guy who wants too much risks losing absolutely everything. Of course, the guy who wants too little from life might not get anything at all."

The Christmas season is coming up soon. It is a time where we spend time with our families, reminiscing over the things we have, whether there is a lot or not. Nonetheless, we are still breathing and living life. We may not have everything we want, such as a massage chair, a next generation gaming console, but that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, right?

WRONG! Have you seen people shopping for things? Parents will need to be making their list and checking it twice because if they get something wrong, their kids are going to be pissed.

This post is not relevant just to children, but to everyone. On the internet, it's called "First World Problems". No matter how much we obtain from life, we just want more and more. Look at Donald Trump, he has all the money that middle income earners could dream about. Yet, he still tries to get more, even at the cost of his family's well-being. No matter how well off we may be, there is always something better we can do. As a result, we lose focus on the past that one had to go through to achieve the here and now. Instead, we put our dukes up some more mindlessly, wanting to obtain more.

It is important to always be improving yourself. The consequence of not doing so could vary. At work for example, someone else may be in a similar position to you. They have the capacity to overtake you and ultimately drive you out completely. There may be other challenges that you face in your life that you are not prepared for, simply because you did not train yourself to be better prepared for the time when the situation suddenly arises. It is important to appreciate what you have, but if you don't improve yourself, you most likely won't go anywhere in life. As a result, you'll get very little. However, too much ambition will result in you never being happy. You'll never be satisfied with the work and progress that you've made, leaving yourself feeling empty. You may say that you want things to be perfect and go to plan. Here's the reality: Rarely are things perfect and rarely are do things go to plan. As a result, consistent ambition will leave you unhappy.

As the quote suggests, balance between ambition and appreciation is important. You can risk losing everything if you try to push the limits of what you can obtain and what you can't obtain, especially all at once. This is even more so with people since noone is perfect. Wanting too much from people can put you in a risk to lose them entirely.

Nobody and no thing is perfect in this world. You got to appreciate what you have, but strive to make improvements when you should.


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