Thursday 12 December 2013

22 Years Old - 22 Things I've Learnt This Year

22 years old may seem like a pointless age around its earlier counterparts. 18 years old is a milestone age, 20 years old is a turn of a decade and 21 years old represents adulthood. In a way, age is just a number. You don't have to be too old or young to learn about some of life's turns and twists, or about the way people work. Here are 22 things I've learnt from this year, which I'm sure you as the reader can take into account. I could make an individual post on each point, but I'm gonna cut straight to the chase this time.

1. People suck. 9 out of 10 of them will piss you off most of the time. 1 out of 10 will be worth keeping.

2. There are two types of people you need to worry about: Those that are there temporarily and those that will stay in your life permanently. The ones that will stay temporarily are there to teach you something important. Once their use is exhausted, they will become a consistent liability for all the wrong reasons. They can be thrown out, despite how hard it may seem at first. This is not easy to determine at first sight.

3. Nothing will hit you harder than life itself. It isn't about how hard you get hit. It's about how hard you get hit, then how you get back up.

4. Business people are harder to keep close compared to others. If they do something for you, they will expect something from you back conditionally. If you need something from him, they won't move an inch to help out unless you've done them favours.

5. Balance is important to maintain in your life. Through work and play time. This imbalance will make things go wrong.

6. Karma does not always apply. Despite your hard work and best efforts, you could still lose out. Think about revising hard for an exam. You know all the topics back to front, but one. That one topic could be your undoing.

7. You cannot tell at first what role people play in your life. Judging solely based on a person's past towards you is just a dumb approach that leads to bias and misjudgment. A proportion of a person's past should be consider only if they have shown little to no signs of improvement.

8. People and things change over time, but some things will stay the same. You have to decide whether to keep all of them/it, or to lose all of them/it. It is essentially a gamble, because you do not know what role they can play in your life later. This decision can bite you back later if made wrong.

9. Every person has a story. You have good and bad guys in it. It wouldn't be an interesting story if you didn't have good and bad times alongside heroes and villains.

10. Love at first sight is bullcrap. I knew that already, but feeling from the start is bullcrap. Why? Because you know that person the least at this time. Your head is near useless to use and your gut feeling is not always right. This brings me to number 11.

11. Separately, your heart is an irrational moron and your head is a pessimistic dickhead. However, they can work together like a charm when used correctly. Your heart will be controlled from jumping the gun too quickly in your decision making and your head is able to work towards positive goals whilst considering the situation at hand. This brings me to number 12.

12. Your heart is a poor decision maker as it will normally considering only the past. present or future. Your head can be used to consider the past, present and future, not just one of the three. Balance comes into play here.

13. You need to your own rock before you can be someone else's. Why? Because if you are a foundation for someone else and you crumble, they will in turn fall.

14. The key to happiness is in your heart. That cannot be altered by your head or heart in any way.

15. To find your key to happiness, you need to know how to live without it.

16. Don't try to plan everything out, or try to control everything. The world doesn't resolve around you and there are things which you simply have no control over. This is something to just accept.

17. Life is a game of chess. One wrong move that you made 10 turns ago can cost you everything. You can't foresee it. It happens. Once again, just get back up.

18. Grades don't determine a person's worth.

19. To reach a goal, you need to know what your worth is first so you can know that you can achieve something. However, other people will pre-determine how much you are worth. Quality over quantity. The people who know you well should be the ones you listen to when determining how much you're worth. Many people will say otherwise, but they don't know you well enough to make that judgment.

20. Everyone's a lier. If a person interacts with you on a frequent basis, they WILL lie to you at some point of another. It may not be for ill intent, but it can be unexpected.

21. The person who asks for too much in life risks losing almost everything. The person will asks for too little in life of course won't get anything at all. Don't gamble too much.

22. Play your advantages as much as you can and make them well known when the time is right. Of course, don't be a loud mouth about it, or you could be making yourself a target in the future for future rivals or enemies.


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