Friday 22 November 2013

Why Rocky is named Rocky

There is a catch to this post. I'll tell you at the end (read through this first, don't just skip to the end. Trust me on this one).

Life has a lot of ups and downs as we know it. There is no such thing as a "free lunch" or a perfect ride. This rule generally applies to everyone in their daily lives. You train hard and you work hard to make the best possible outcome that you can for your future.

Of course, there are many people who fall off along the way. Look at the final year of high school for example. Many people seem to fall on the home run stretch, right near the heat of the final exams. University/college is also an example. Some fall on the first hurdle, the third, sixth, you get the point.

So why do people fall? If we have to work through and do the hard miles to get to somewhere, why do people still foul up, even though they know that the payoff will be worth it if they just stuck to what they do?

It's simple actually. People simply want to get there too fast.

We all have that dream to be somebody in the future. We have a motive in our hearts to aim for something in the long-term. Whether it would have to be to raise a family, status or money, it's still a motive nonetheless. Think back to your childhood self. You most likely wanted to pursue a particular career of some sort. This is your dream. However, this takes time to get there. You have to be bad first before you are good. That's why we have to go through kindergarden, school or some further education to achieve a particular goal. It may have to be some special training that you need to go through to achieve your dreams. We can't write a book if we don't know our ABCs, and we can't do algebra if we can't count from 1 to 10, that's how I like to see it.

As I've said, the journey isn't easy. Throughout your lifeline, you would have fallen many times when trying to make ends meet. It really does not come easy, especially since it can happen when we least expect it. As much as I hate to say this, but that's life. However, this may not be such a bad thing. There is nothing that punches harder than life itself. But it is isn't about how hard life beats you to the ground. It's about how hard you get hit, then picking yourself back up again.

Now do you see the difference between a winner and a coward? Cowards place themselves on a lower standard when they don't need to, simply because they've been beat down to the ground and they stay there beaten on the ground. Winners get beaten to the ground, but they get back up and raise themselves to the next challenge, improving themselves throughout their lives. Cowards look for excuses and point the finger looking to blame someone else for their misfortunes. As a result, they don't improve and they don't get anywhere in life. Winners look to improve themselves. They are humble in defeat, but they are always looking to better themselves in anyway possible. They take responsibility. That's how winners are made. You have to be willing to take the hits.

There you have it. To win in life, you need to be your own rock. A rock that grows harder and harder with each challenge you face. If you don't become your own rock, you won't have a life, since things will keep beating you down from living it properly.

So what's the catch with this post that I mentioned about at the beginning?

Firstly, if you've watched Rocky Balboa, you would see exactly what I mean. If you've watched Rocky 1-6 (yes, I'm calling it Rocky 6) you would always notice Rocky taking hits initially in every major fight. As he's shown, the way to win is to take the punches and rise up to that level. That is what I mean by becoming your own rock.

Secondly, my last few paragraphs are basically what Rocky said in this clip.


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