Saturday 12 October 2013

The truth about yourself and the way you operate

As we grow up, we change the way we think. We start to think too much and feel too little.

Remember yourself as a child. We were carefree about the world and didn't have a mind to do a cost-benefit analysis on our decisions made. However, we have our parents/guardians to put boundaries on us so we don't do stupid things.

Now think about yourself as an adult. We are now able to make decisions on our own. We can think about the cost and benefits of our actions. Why? Because we are able to use the heart and head to figure out what we ought to do.

Ok, I'm not fully telling you the truth. I dunno how to use my heart...

This is awkward. How the hell does one possibility forget how to use the heart?

From my life experience, I had previously used my heart to make life decisions as people told you "follow your dreams", "follow your heart" and so on. However, this was my child like self that I was. I realised things were not going my way. Decisions I had made from my heart backlashed and things were simply not working out. I had concluded that my heart was just my own brick wall.

So what could I turn to? Oh my head of course! So screw the heart now cause I can use my adult like self to prevent bad decisions. I used my heart to analyse the circumstances around me so I was not as careless. I prevented bad outcomes from occurring, right?

Far from it.

The heart and head are not perfect. We are going to make mistakes one way or another. I was using my head to prevent bad things from happening which I had trained up over the past few years. But I wasn't happy. I still let bad things happened, so I was worse off as a result.

So what do I turn to then? My head and heart suck. What about mixing them together? Who should get a say when and how?

I tried to use my heart to make me happy. That didn't work. I tried to use my head to make me less unhappy. That didn't work. At this point, maybe we could be our own parents if we fused the efforts of our heads and hearts together, right?

This seems like a better solution. Use your heart to decide what you want to go for. Use your head to supervise cause your heart is careless. You're like a child in some ways. A child predominately uses their heart, but they still need their parents to at least supervise them from making careless decisions. As Walt Disney stated: "Adults are only kids grown up."

In short, use for heart to make good things happen. Use your head to prevent bad things.

I wished I knew this before things I said and had done, but it doesn't matter now. I'm at least using my past for the betterment of my future.

Now it is time to learn how to use that heart of mine. It is out of practice since it has been sleeping for the past few years or so.

Practice makes perfect I guess.


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