Tuesday 8 October 2013

The First Post, definitely not the last

The first blog, definitely not the last

8th October, 2013

This is a blog where I can freely speak my mind out to people about life experiences and things people can do to potentially make themselves a better person, whilst becoming a better person myself. Of course, i dunno how these blogs work, so for all I know I'm just talking to myself (well, I kinda am as I'm typing this).

Just so you know that you're not reading something from a complete stranger, here's a little bit about me. I'm a 22 year old male in South Australia currently studying at university. As in the blog's title, I am an Asian. More specifically, an ABC (Australian Born Chinese, not American Born Chinese).

Since the start of 2012, I have only started to really learn more about myself and the people around me. It isn't as easy as what they tell you in grade school. Of course, they warn you about certain obstacles such as career pathways, moving out of home and removing a condom from it's packaging. But the one thing that school doesn't teach us is the most important thing of all: People.

Why was there no warning of this? I'm surrounded by people!

I guess we can't blame school for keeping us in denial. I'm making people sound like our worst enemies. However, the truth is that they can be... But they can also be your greatest allies.

How so? People are different. There aren't two perfectly identical people. Some will accept you as a part of their life, some will want you to have no part of it, and some exists to be brick walls in your life.

What do we do with the brick walls then? This is where we can start to take control of things. We can choose what to do with those that try to get in the way of our objectives. I'll cover this on a later date since I'm jumping from one topic to another quite quickly.


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